Justice for Denny Petitt
Please Donate to Denny's Legal Defense Fund!
Please donate
to the
Justice for
 Denny Petitt Defense Fund below.
*Note: you do NOT need a PayPal account to donate, just a credit or check card.
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Denny's Supporters Join the
Every time someone signs this petition, their state reps and senators are sent an email. Let's show them that we are willing to stand up for wrongfully convicted loved ones. Here's YOUR chance to let your voice be heard by Illinois congressional members. We NEED your help. Please sign the petition. If you'd like to show support and add a photo for Denny, you may submit a picture to pic@justice-not-politics.com for use in the campaign and on the Facebook page. Please provide the name of the person wrongfully convicted and what you would like the image to say. For example, “I will not let my (daughter, son, father, friend, Denny Petitt, etc.) DIE in prison to advance YOUR political career.”

Sign the petition at

"Like" the cause page and share pictures at

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Check out some of the awesome photos below!